How it WorksΒΆ


django-addanother works exactly like the add-another and edit-related features in Django’s admin.

django-addanother works twofold: Firstly, it adds an add-another and an edit-related button next to your form fields. When one of these buttons is clicked, a special popup window with the “inline” creation form is opened.

The popup window isn’t much different from your usual form handling views. The main difference is that when the form has been submitted and validated successfully, after saving the newly created object, the user is not redirected to the view’s success_url. Instead, a special JavaScript-only response is being sent to the browser, adding the new object to the selection (or modifying the option) in the original window and closing the popup window.

Any CreateView or UpdateView can be made compatible with django-addanother. When opened in a popup, the view gets appended the ?_popup=1 GET parameter, which is how the view knows when to respond with its special JavaScript response. This special handling is taken care of in django_addanother.views.CreatePopupMixin and django_addanother.views.UpdatePopupMixin, whose usage is explained in How to Use.